Thursday, 15 September 2011

I came across two extreme examples of acceptance or otherwise whilst out in Leicester last Saturday.
I had late on decided to pick up a replacement foundation from MAC in Leicester as Emma rather than in boring Bob mode and so, casually dressed, Image photo showing how I was dressed

drove into Leicester intending to park at High Cross car park. This was the first time I had ever visited the centre of Leicester as Emma. 

Having left the car, I quickly made my way to the MAC counter and had a nice conversation with the girl there during which I asked her show me how to draw in my eyebrows having taken to shaving them and purchased a pencil as well as my NW30 foundation. Taking advantage of her, I asked her to repair my top lip as it was showing some signs of distress in the heat of the store which she was ok to do. She complemented me on my make up confirming that I was indeed using the correct shade of foundation but did give me a sample of another more longer lasting foundation to try.

As Debenhams was open late, I had a wander around the ladies wear and tried a couple of dresses on and a leopard print ¾ length belted mackintosh but at £80 just couldn’t justify the purchase.

Moving on, I decided to try and find the Dover Castle – a friendly pub in Dover Street. Getting lost, I wandered around for 30 minutes before ending up opposite the entrance to High Cross when I encountered a drunken beggar who asked me for money. I waved him no as I walked past thinking no more of the incident. Further up the street I came across one of those “you are here” maps and found out where I needed to go. Unfortunately this meant passing the drunk again and this time when I refused his kind offer! He suddenly twigged that I was not quite “the real thing” and suddenly started shouting out to all and sundry “Hey that’s a geezer!!” – somewhat disappointed, I recalled an amusing incident related by a girl on the forum and responded with a shocked expression and looking around shouted where, who! Whilst looking a mixed group in the eyes who were passing by at the time. No comment was made by this group as I walked slowly away and around the corner.

Finding the pub in question I sat down on a high stool at the bar and ordered a beer to cool off with. Earlier in the evening I had contacted a Leicester girl Amanda I had met at Sparkle and had arranged to meet for a quick drink before I had to make my way home. Sitting at the bar in the meanwhile, I got to meet a few different guys and girls and enjoyed socialising before the drag DJ started at 10pm. Running out of time, Amanda finally got there and we had a quick drink together before I called a taxi to take me back to the car park.

Back at the car park, after paying for my stay at the machine, I then found out that inadvertently I had parked in the roof top car park which shut at 7pm! It took me over 40 minutes and some frantic walking around the building to discover this momentous problem, during which I walked past two couples only to hear one of the guys say “That’s a guy”, one of the girls however said “No way! She's a woman!” I will take that as a 50:50!

Now as time was approaching midnight I had to ring my wife to come and pick me up (17 miles). To say she was not happy would be an understatement as she had had a couple of glasses of Baileys and was just getting ready for bed! Having arranged a suitable pick up point, I had a more pressing problem, my bladder! Luckily I came across a Spanish bar on my wanderings which was still just about open and so slipping onto a high stool at the bar, I quickly ordered a Blue Becks before making my way to the toilets for a much needed relief and a chance to brush my hair and touch up my face.

Back at the bar I started chatting to one of the Spanish girls as she was tidying up and asked her about the car park, explaining that I was waiting for my partner to pick me up (I normally refer to my wife as my wife but in this instance didn’t). Finishing off my drink it was time for my rendevouz with my wife and as I bade the girls goodnight, she asked me if my husband had arrived! Smiling I left the restaurant/bar and made my way across to the High Cross car park entrance and sat down on a bench at midnight waiting for her arrival. 

During my wait, I was propositioned once and received several in depth stares by guys in cars entering the car park until the welcome arrival of my wife. I recovered my car the following day but will look at changing from a blonde to another hair colour in future!

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