Thursday, 15 September 2011

I came across two extreme examples of acceptance or otherwise whilst out in Leicester last Saturday.
I had late on decided to pick up a replacement foundation from MAC in Leicester as Emma rather than in boring Bob mode and so, casually dressed, Image photo showing how I was dressed

drove into Leicester intending to park at High Cross car park. This was the first time I had ever visited the centre of Leicester as Emma. 

Having left the car, I quickly made my way to the MAC counter and had a nice conversation with the girl there during which I asked her show me how to draw in my eyebrows having taken to shaving them and purchased a pencil as well as my NW30 foundation. Taking advantage of her, I asked her to repair my top lip as it was showing some signs of distress in the heat of the store which she was ok to do. She complemented me on my make up confirming that I was indeed using the correct shade of foundation but did give me a sample of another more longer lasting foundation to try.

As Debenhams was open late, I had a wander around the ladies wear and tried a couple of dresses on and a leopard print ¾ length belted mackintosh but at £80 just couldn’t justify the purchase.

Moving on, I decided to try and find the Dover Castle – a friendly pub in Dover Street. Getting lost, I wandered around for 30 minutes before ending up opposite the entrance to High Cross when I encountered a drunken beggar who asked me for money. I waved him no as I walked past thinking no more of the incident. Further up the street I came across one of those “you are here” maps and found out where I needed to go. Unfortunately this meant passing the drunk again and this time when I refused his kind offer! He suddenly twigged that I was not quite “the real thing” and suddenly started shouting out to all and sundry “Hey that’s a geezer!!” – somewhat disappointed, I recalled an amusing incident related by a girl on the forum and responded with a shocked expression and looking around shouted where, who! Whilst looking a mixed group in the eyes who were passing by at the time. No comment was made by this group as I walked slowly away and around the corner.

Finding the pub in question I sat down on a high stool at the bar and ordered a beer to cool off with. Earlier in the evening I had contacted a Leicester girl Amanda I had met at Sparkle and had arranged to meet for a quick drink before I had to make my way home. Sitting at the bar in the meanwhile, I got to meet a few different guys and girls and enjoyed socialising before the drag DJ started at 10pm. Running out of time, Amanda finally got there and we had a quick drink together before I called a taxi to take me back to the car park.

Back at the car park, after paying for my stay at the machine, I then found out that inadvertently I had parked in the roof top car park which shut at 7pm! It took me over 40 minutes and some frantic walking around the building to discover this momentous problem, during which I walked past two couples only to hear one of the guys say “That’s a guy”, one of the girls however said “No way! She's a woman!” I will take that as a 50:50!

Now as time was approaching midnight I had to ring my wife to come and pick me up (17 miles). To say she was not happy would be an understatement as she had had a couple of glasses of Baileys and was just getting ready for bed! Having arranged a suitable pick up point, I had a more pressing problem, my bladder! Luckily I came across a Spanish bar on my wanderings which was still just about open and so slipping onto a high stool at the bar, I quickly ordered a Blue Becks before making my way to the toilets for a much needed relief and a chance to brush my hair and touch up my face.

Back at the bar I started chatting to one of the Spanish girls as she was tidying up and asked her about the car park, explaining that I was waiting for my partner to pick me up (I normally refer to my wife as my wife but in this instance didn’t). Finishing off my drink it was time for my rendevouz with my wife and as I bade the girls goodnight, she asked me if my husband had arrived! Smiling I left the restaurant/bar and made my way across to the High Cross car park entrance and sat down on a bench at midnight waiting for her arrival. 

During my wait, I was propositioned once and received several in depth stares by guys in cars entering the car park until the welcome arrival of my wife. I recovered my car the following day but will look at changing from a blonde to another hair colour in future!

Monday, 22 August 2011

Cambridge Nights

With my departure from these green and pleasant lands getting closer and necessitating the leaving Emma behind, I decided to make the most of the remaining days for a day out in Cambridge and the chance to meet one of my facebook friends and fellow angel, Holly Johns.

Over the last few months I have become quite adept at my Bob to Emma tran$formation whilst on the road rather than incurring the far greater expense of a hotel and yesterday was no exception. I wore my underwear (apart from my bra) under my suit for work (a first for me) and at lunchtime, having taken a half day off got on the road.

The A1 was absolutely hell, between Grantham and Stanford and past RAF Wittering, with speeds hardly exceeding 25 – 30 mph and traffic toe to tail. Finally I pulled off into Peterborough Services for the next stage. Changing in the gents, I put on my bra and top, changed trousers for girly jeans and with a jerkin over the top, got back in the car heading south.

Traffic was somewhat easier now and I pulled into Cambridge Services to complete the change over into Emma. Parking away from the main area, I had no sooner started (wig on, forms in place) when first a van pulled up alongside me on one side, the guy remaining in his seat on the phone and then a bloody car on the other side! WTF, there were at least 10 empty spaces either side of me! Again the driver remained in his seat!

Sod it, I pulled out of my space and took up another spot across the car park only to find almost the same thing happen again. In disgust I finally drove around to the car park for the Day’s Inn and despite various people walking past, managed to put my face on and then do my nails before dashing in the rain to the services and the toilet.

Satisfied with my presentation and rid of that last coffee I had had in the office, I rejoined the traffic and made my way to Cambridge and the Grafton Centre where I parked up and joined the other shoppers inside. Wearing a vest type top, tight jeans and kitten heels, (I carried a nice pair of heels with me in my bag) I certainly did not stand out and once again enjoyed the fact that no one whatsoever paid me any attention other than the various shop assistants whilst perusing the goods.

However, memo to self – when wearing a ¾ cup bra with full forms and a low cut top, ensure that the top remains in place and doesn’t head south when you are not watching!

I started with some new make up from Boots including a long lasting eyeliner gel from Maybelline which comes in a little pot with a separate applicator brush. Well I can report that this does exactly what it says on the package and was so easy to apply. I certainly recommend this product.

I then had a good luck around a few clothes shops including Next before picking up a narrow leather belt fabric covered in a leopard skin pattern. As I said to the girl serving me when she commented that she was going to buy the same on payday, “I have a pair of shoes that match” I decided that admitting to owning a matching jacket and skirt was just a tad too much and refrained.

I finally moved onto Debenhams where they were having a sale “buy one and get a 2nd for free” off the racks. I loved working my way through the racks and found a great pair of jeans in my size only to discover they were maternity – oh well, back to the drawing board! I eventually ended up with Julian McDonald bodycon dress for £35 and a lovely cropped linen jacket in purple for free.

No trip out would be complete without trying on numerous shoes both in Debenhams and my favourite store New Look but I was a good girl this time and managed to leave without adding to my large collection.

With the stores closing, I had a mooch around Accessorise and Claires for some new earrings for my pierced ears, but whilst interested in a number of pieces, I have enough for the moment given the enforced absence of Emma in the months to come.

By now and in need of a drink, I went upstairs to the food hall next to the cinema complex and sat down on a high stool in the Italian Restaurant purchasing cold glass of Peroni. Sitting omn my stool, I got talking to the girls working there and having had a 2nd Peroni decided to have a starter having been tempted by the great smells and the look of food as it was being served around me. Settling for the meatballs with mozerella and bread, I tucked in as the world went by not a care as everyone was busy getting on with their lives.

The great feeling of everything being normal is so hard to get across and the very normality is what gives me such a buzz.

With time moving on, I had arranged to meet Holly at 7-30 and we were going to eat at CB2 – a bistro further into town, so off the stool, gather up my shopping, bag on shoulder and back to the car. No stares, no comments I might as well have been invisible – good feeling and very satisfying.

Plugging in the post code for the Bistro, I joined the evening traffic before recognising where I was and leaving my car in a car park close to the Magistrates Court (I was last there when accompanying my friend Liz during her court case some 18 months earlier). Umbrella up, I dashed across the road past a couple of pubs where the smokers were congregating under awnings and made my way to the Bistro again no adverse comments or reaction whatsoever, however I did note a number of sets of eyes follow me as I walked past!

Taking a proffered table upstairs in the Bistro, I waited for Holly to join me. Whilst we had been at the same meal at Villagios on the Saturday of Sparkle, we had somehow managed to miss each other and so I was looking forward to finally meeting Holly.

Recognising her as she came through the door, I quickly had to excuse myself as I realised I had left my phone in plain view in my car and so I quickly made my way back to the car. Taking a short cut through one of the pubs, I expected the worst but no, nothing! As I retrieved my phone and retraced my steps, I smiled at those who caught my eye. Smiling is one way to defuse any situation, make more use of it girls!

The meal and company was everything I expected, we discussed far ranging topics and to all and sundry were just two women having a quiet meal in a trendy bistro.

I was amazed to hear that Holly had only gone out for the first time last November as she came across very self assured and confident. Holly proved to be great company.

As it approached 10pm, we decided to return to our cars and drive across town and we would finish the evening at a pub where I am only known as Emma, The Pickerel Inn, close to the river.

Leaving the cars at Pound Hill, we walked to the pub which despite the poor weather was quite full. Ordering our drinks, we sat down and continued to chat. The only time we drew ant attention was from a group of French guys next to us and this was due to them overhearing our conversation, perhaps its time for me to learn how to change my voice as it is one aspect I have so far been singularly unsuccessful in when presenting as Emma.

All too soon, it was midnight and we made reluctantly made our way back to the cars and bade each other a good night. Holly was about 20 minutes away and myself just over an hour.

Driving back, I stopped at Cambridge Services for a wee stop and then a coffee at McDonalds at Peterborough before getting home at 2-30am after changing and cleaning off in my usual layby 4-5 miles from home.

Good job I made the necessary changes and cleaned my face as our three daughters were still up when I got home and insisted on trying to engage me in conversation whilst I had my jerkin over my top but still wearing my girly jeans!

A lovely day out and one I will cherish in the months to come when Emma remains packed up back in England.

The Delights of Shopping

Taking advantage of the family being elsewhere, I decided to spend the day shopping at our local centre – Fosse Park, near Leicester. I took my wife’s Peugeot 207 as the family was using the Mondeo.

Due to not being able to leave the house dressed, it was once more, underwear, girly jeans on and top with a long tracksuit top covering up the embroidery on my jeans and my dark pink top.

Stopping off at my usual layby, I quickly added my fillets (wearing a suitable push up padded bra) and with my wig secure, swapped shoes and then applied my make up finishing off with my glue on nails. I had painted them a beautiful shade – soft toffee by Maybelline which we had purchased after having seen a young woman on the tube the day before wearing this shade.

Driving down to Fosse Park I stopped off at the services to check my overall presentation and endured the queuing that seems to be common during the holiday season for the toilets.

Happy with the overall look and my make up, I had a wander around the shop and picked up a bottle of water before back in the car rejoining the motorway for the short hop to Fosse Park

I parked up at the Marks and Spencer’s end of the car park and checking everything was in place made my way to my first port of call the “temple” of Marks and Spencers. I must admit to having an ulterior purpose as on the way I felt the under wire of my bra star digging into my side and realised that the fabric had given way.

Working my way through the lingerie section, I enjoyed the freedom of touching, looking picking up underwear without the guilty feeling of so doing as a guy. Not a sideways glance or nudge from any of the other women there including the bored guys watching whilst their partners were checking out the huge variety on offer. I even was lucky enough to overhear the comments of a young girl experiencing the delights of looking for her first bra in an adjacent aisle whilst looking for a replacement bra for myself. Again the father was singularly disinterested.

Having selected 4 bras I then joined the queue waiting outside the fitting rooms. I must admit that I did have a momentary worry that I may be asked to go elsewhere and the fact that a couple of guys were sat outside waiting for their partners to finish trying on their underwear was slightly daunting, however, my worry was unfounded as I was given a tag for 4 items and escorted to a cubicle and reminded that if I needed anything, to press the button for attention.

Top carefully off over my head, I tried the bras on, all 38Bs of various design configurations, one of which was not for me and whilst trying the 2nd one on I called for the woman to help. I showed her the one I thought seemed to be working and asked her opinion, at the same time as asking her to measure me. This resulted in her fetching a 40B from off the shop floor, which fitted better, but didn’t quite push my breast tissue into the right places. I explained the unique problem I had and we checked out the other two bras, one of which did what I wanted and the original one I had asked for her opinion on, also worked.

Just to make it more complicated, I kept the new bra on and went back to the counter to explain (in front of what felt like a crowd, including men) resulted in being escorted to the pay desk to purchase the two bras.

Now that I was comfortable again, I began checking out the clothes in earnest and soon had 2 skirts, a blouse and a red dress to try on. Once again, no problem as I was shown a cubicle and left to my own devices. The red dress was a beautiful fit in jersey material, but at £65 was not on my short list of wants. I finished by purchasing a black stretch fit skirt and a multicoloured blouse in a lovely satin type material.

Now, suitably thirsty – no air conditioning in the store and very warm in the changing cubicles, I stopped for a bite to eat and a drink. Chatting to the two women in the queue behind me we discussed the temptations of the cakes on the counter! on our way to the till and how warm the shop was.

As I sat at my table, people watching whilst nibbling at my sandwich, an older lady on the next stable struck up a conversation and we had a long chat whilst she was waiting for her niece to return. Once again, just normal social intercourse, it was almost too easy to forget how I was dressed and I remembered fondly that 1st time I had been shopping in daylight some 36 months previous in this very shopping centre and how my attitude and confidence had changed. That day in September, I had spent 7 hours in a skirt suit and 4” heels trying very hard not to have to talk to anyone whilst enjoying the thrill of shopping as Emma. Now here I was dressed in jeans, t-shirt, flats and chatting to just about anyone who struck up contact. How things change.

Having satisfied my hunger and thirst, I made one last sortie around the store until my eyes beheld a vision! – leopard print slip on shoe/boots with a 2” stiletto heel. With the blood rushing to my head I feverously looked on the shelves for a pair in size 8s and was rewarded when right at the back on the bottom shelf, I found them.

Rushing over to the nearby stool to try them on, I almost pushed a woman off as I sat down and yes, they fit! Trotting off to the cash desk, once more my card took the brunt.

Bags in each hand, I made my way back to the car and swapped my shoes for the new shoe/boots and re-fixed my make up before making my way back to the other shops for a more leisurely look in New Look, Dorothy Perkins and Next. No further purchases were made as I felt I had already been extravagant given that soon I would be leaving Emma behind for quite a while due to my new job.

In Boots, I picked up a replacement translucent face compact from Max Factor and two packs of working oval glue on nails from Kiss. Paying for them, the woman on the till commented on the nails and asked me how I found using them. As I explained; for the £6, I get 5 sets of complete nails which I can use twice, the nail glue if properly applied to the whole of the natural nail ensures that the nails stay in place and I cheat by painting them the night before whilst blutacked onto the heads of 6” nails fastened into a strip of wood. She then enquired whether my nails were the stick on variety and took a good look at them, complementing me.

Whilst strolling between shops, I took a call from my youngest who asked if I had any plans for dinner. Replying no, I was asked where I was and explaining that I was at Fosse Park, was asked to pick up something for dinner. No problem, back to the car, I re-parked by the large Asda and checking my face once more, left the car and walked into the maelstrom. The place was heaving as I picked up a basket and made my way around the aisles looking for inspiration. Finally, it clicked, thin crust cheese extravaganza and double pepperoni pizzas as a starter with fresh chicken and bacon and spicy sausage stuffed pasta with mascarpone sauce as a main meal.

I guess this was a first for me as I had never really been food shopping before, however, no problems, but whilst queuing at the till, the girl in front of me clocked me and nudged her friend who stole a glance over his shoulder. I smiled at them both and that was that.

Paying for my food, I exchanged pleasantries with the girl on the till and then made my way back to the car to finish off what most women would find a normal day but for me will remain a wonderful memory and also a reminder of what you are able to do, given the confidence and self belief.

Sunday, 7 August 2011

Day 3 - Brighton - Sparkle D-2

Waking at Sue’s on my 3rd day as Emma, I once again got ready early this time in a tight caramel coloured pencil skirt and white blouse, matching heels and whilst Sue got ready, I stepped out and visited the cash point for some more money, Imagecalled in at Superdrug for a face compact and then called at the Italian café for a coffee – all very normal and not an untoward glance even though the high street was busy with commuters. Lovely feeling sitting there amongst others enjoying a strong coffee, tight skirt caressing my nylon clad legs, the taste of lipstick and the coloured smudge left on the white porcelain cup, all reinforcing the image.

On my return, checking the weather forecast I changed into a slightly flared blue denim mini skirt and a vest, leaving my aloe vera impregnated natural tights on and wearing a pair of flats.

We arrived in Brighton mid morning and leaving the car on the prom, decided to start our visit with a coffee and breakfast snacks. Behind us on the nearest table were three old women one of whom on their departure wished us a good day. Not that we knew it at that time but we bumped into her three more times during the day leading me to suggest that they were stalking us!

Suitably refreshed, we made our way to the pier and explored the historic structure. ImageIt was quite windy but sunny and I had to concentrate on keeping my skirt held down at times.Image For lunch we stopped off at a bar half way down the pier and enjoyed a couple of bottles of Crabbies. Before leaving whilst washing my hands after a visit to the ladies, I had an interesting conversation with an old lady who had retired to Brighton many years earlier but who had originally lived near where I was born. Absolutely no issue whatsoever as we discussed many topics drying our hands.Image

Having satisfied our thirst, we decided to eat at Harry Ramsdens and enjoyed their speciality fish supper. The place was packed and we enjoyed fitting in just like any other customer.

Back at the pier, we enjoyed an ice cream cone whilst trying to keep our hair out of the way in the wind. ImageWhilst wandering back down the sea front we came across a crazy golf course and decided to have a go! The guy dealing with the payment and handing over the balls and irons was a bit stand offish but sod him, we joined the others, mainly families, on the 18 hole course.
I got off to a good start winning the 1st hole but gradually Sue took a commanding lead and finished a convincing winner though I did claim two hole in ones! Quite a few passing pedestrians stopped to watch us play. One problem I quickly learned how to deal with was bending down to retrieve my ball from the hole whilst wearing a short skirt – the answer was to perform almost a curtsey when bobbing down to pick the ball up.Image

Having had our fill of golf, we decided to try our hand at another sport that of shopping!

We went looking for the myriad of back streets full of quaint shops further inland. Finding them was harder than we thought but we finally ended up where we wanted just as the shops were closing. I managed to pick up some jewellery as did Sue and we both managed to resist the home made fudge though it was a close call!Image
Shops shut we decided to stop for a beer at The VictoryImage sitting outside on the pavement in the dying sunshine before making our way back to the car and our return to Sue’s where once more we enjoyed a lovely meal accompanied by wine, bottled beers and a couple of stiff G&Ts reflecting on another wonderfully normal day out and about as two women.

Day 2 It must be Portsmouth or Sparkle D-3

The continuing account of 7 days 24/7 as Emma

Waking up early on the Tuesday as Emma at Sue’s house in London, wearing my Janet Reger chemise and looking down at my bright red nails, I smiled and quickly made use of the bathroom before Sue got up.

For breakfast I slipped into a pair of shorts and t-shirt over my bra which again I chose to wear without any forms making use of a pair of fillets. Sipping a cup of tea in the kitchen, I waited for Sue as she got ready for our trip over to Portsmouth to visit Taz, Gemma and Angela.

Looking at the weather, I decided to wear a long beige A line skirt with green top, nude, bare legs to show off the spray tan and brown sandals to show off my pedicure.

Once ready, I grabbed my River Island bag, shades on the top of my head (one can be hopeful) and walked out to the car and programming the sat nav, we got on the road for Portsmouth.

The weather forecast said it would be sunny until 2pm and then rain – yeah who believes the weather forecasters?

We decided to go the scenic route and kept to the A3 on the way there and noted some lovely pubs we may try out on our return.

Arriving in Portsmouth, we found a car park behind the M&S near Commercial Road and having found a machine which would take our money! made our way to the agreed rendezvous with the others.

Strolling through the shopping centre that Tuesday morning, we received no second glances no nudge nudge etc, it was just a normal experience albeit one which gave me a nice glowing feeling within. Walking with a calf length skirt flapping against bare legs, looking down to see bright red toenails peeking out of my sandals and the feel of my earrings brushing against my neck, all contributing to the overall sense of achievement and contentment.

Back in the sunshine, we sat down by the fountain in front of Debenhams and contacted the others.Image A short while later, Angela arrived straight off the ferry, closely followed by Taz and Gemma from Gosport.

With a full compliment, and a requirement for a comfort break, we made our way to the café upstairs in Debenhams where we enjoyed some liquid refreshments and got up to speed with what was happening.Image
Gemma and Taz

First priority was some food and to this end we found a cheap little café just off the main shopping area where we ate. Just as we entered the establishment, we felt the first drops of rain – checking my watch – 2-15pm – so much for weather forecasting!

Suitably filled, we decided that we would check out Primark and all split up within the shop. It was a lovely feeling just wandering around, picking up clothes, feeling the material and checking out jewellery, shoes and bags without the usual fear when so doing as a guy. I was a good girl and didn’t buy anything – even off the sales rack though I was sorely tempted by a very short skirt in my size and some more jewellery.

Meeting up with Sue and with a while to go before we were to meet up with the others, we had a saunter around Debenhams where I fell in love with a gorgeous red cross fronted evening dress but again at £60 was beyond my budget. Whilst there I got a text from Taz to say they had to leave and so “Then There Were Three”.

I was on a mission that being to find a set of eyebrow templates to draw on new eyebrows. I had previously shaved off my existing eyebrows which because of the colour, no-one, even my wife had noticed! But I now needed some help in drawing new ones on each time I went out as Emma.

A couple of the women at the Boots store helped me find what I was looking for and I took advantage of a couple of offers they had on that time for cosmetics to replace my current favourite lipstick – Revlon 724 – a lovely shade of pink. This is my 3rd tube of this shade now. I guess this shows that I have become more set in my ways and found what suits me after all this experimenting as well as getting out as Emma more.

With Angela in tow, we decided to up anchor and make our way to the sea front where there was another set of shops and restaurants/bars to explore.

Parking up near the seafront, we became the source of attention of a group of teenage school girls passing by. The usual giggles were replaced by one of the girls approaching me and asking me for the time. Smiling I answered that she knew very well what the time was and if she was so interested in us why not just ask? At this she smiled as if in confirmation to her companions and I finished with a parting shot as they walked away “I love your uniform!” (Bottle green!) at which they quickened their step and disappeared around the corner.

Making our way down to the shopping centre, avoiding the puddles, I was lagging behind a touch as we were spotted and a guy turned to his girlfriend pointing out the fact but with a “I think” rather than a definite. I take that as a result, given three of us increases the odds of being spotted tremendously.

Close to the seafront we came across The Old Customs House which was now a pub and to get out of the rain we decided to stop there for a drink – not that we needed any excuse mind you.

It was very pleasant to sit there chatting away sipping our drinks surrounded by others young and old, eating and drinking. No side long glances etc. – it was just as it should be and reinforced my belief of greater acceptance within the “real world” and that we should all make that effort to overcome our inner doubts to go where you want to and when you want to presenting as you want to.Image

Finishing our drinks, we decided that having seen other customers eat, we should stop for a bite as well and so ordered a meal. ImageIt was very tasty and filled a hole in our bellys, washed down by another non alcoholic drink (I was driving). We then spent a pleasant hour wandering around the shops and Sue and Angela both came away with a few goodies, I was good and refrained from any purchase this time.

Finishing off our trip to Portsmouth, we stopped at a bar on the seafront for a coffeeImage before bidding Angela farewell as she proceeded to catch her ferry. Back at the car, Sue and I made our way back to London, where because of a lack of spaces I had to leave my car on the main road in a metered area (needed to get up early the following day to put money in).

We finished the evening having a chat over a bottle of wine and some food whilst reflecting on another day out in the “real world” doing what we wanted to do, before retiring to bed.

Day 1 of 7 days 24/7 or Sparkle d-5

Once again, I had taken a week’s holiday to spend quality time 24/7 as Emma. I chose the week beginning the 4th July culminating in Sparkle.

On the Monday morning I left home as a guy and arriving in Milton Keynes, made my first appointment for eyelash extensions with Sue Winters. The experience was pretty strange, lying on my back as the woman glued bunches of eyelashes to my existing lashes. After 25 minutes, she had finished and they looked pretty awesome. I then stripped off to my gaff and had a full body spray tan applied.

As I had to wear loose clothing afterwards, I quickly dressed as Emma, a black padded bra with fillets and my own flesh up top, gaff, long olive skirt and an orange stretch top completing the picture. With flats on my feet and wig in place, I paid the bill and bid Sue goodbye, leaving her salon as Emma and in the comfort of my car, quickly applied my make up and jewellery before joining the traffic on my way to London.

I had arranged during my last visit with Sue Richmond, to stay with her for a few days before driving North to Manchester and so it was that I arrived at Sue’s house in London, parking up and joining her for lunch just after 1230. Unloading my luggage, we enjoyed a quiet beer accompanied by a pork pie I had brought with me, discussing our plans and whom we had arranged to meet up with, before leaving for our appointment at a local saloon for pedicure and manicure.

Walking through the busy suburban streets on our way to the salon, I quietly savoured the feel of my ¾ length skirt flapping against my bare legs, the tap of my heels on the pavement and the slight breeze moving my earrings and hair against my neck. The sun was not too hot and we enjoyed the pleasant 20 minute stroll arriving for our appointments at 3-30pm.

Sue was having a manicure and her appointment was first so I sat legs crossed in the waiting area reading the magazines waiting for my later appointment. Sue had originally made the appointment for both of us in guy mode and after an initial pause the woman on the desk had booked us in. It was obvious that she was slightly apprehensive initially as we arrived but soon warmed to us and whilst Sue disappeared for her nails to be done, I enjoyed chatting to her whilst sipping a cup of tea and interacting with a number of women customers as they came and went.Image

In no time at all, the girl was ready for me and I enjoyed an hour of pampering as my feet were given the royal treatment and nails finished in a Revlon red. The girl it transpires was from Poland and had been living in London for 6 years and we got on really well discussing a wide range of topics from girly through travel and work.

After a good 90 minutes, my finger nails had been shape, cleansed and were now resplendid in a matching Revlon red though I was told that it was more fashionable to have them a different colour than my toe nails!

Bidding the ladies of the Salon goodbye we made our way back the scenic route taking in the river bankImage and some beautiful gardens on our way back to Sue’s, Imagestopping for the obligatory photos. Image

It was a beautiful feeling, my long skirt wrapping around my bare legs, the occasional breeze caressing me and the warm afternoon sun beating down on my thin top, the taste of lipstick on my lips, the smell of my perfume, the heavy feel of my lash extensions and the weight of my earrings dangling against my neck as we slowly strolled alongside the river chatting away as two girlfriends. We finished our river bank stroll with a glass of cool Pinot GrigioImage whilst watching the world go by on the terrace of a riverside pub.Image Finally we joined the increasing number of commuters on their way home as we returned to Sue's.

Back at Sue’s, a beautiful dinner was prepared by my hostess and as we sat down to enjoy, I opened a bottle of grand Cru 2004 St. Emilion that I had brought from my cellar (the garage really) to accompany the meal and to celebrate our first day of the week as Emma and Sue.

The remainder of the evening, we sat sipping wine chatting away, shoes having been kicked off, legs tucked up under us, catching up on our lives since our last meeting in April when we went to see Warhorse at the Theatre. As it got late, time for bed, undressed, make up off, moisturiser on and slipping into bed wearing a Janet Reger chemise, the end of my first day as Emma.
I had originally planned to join some of my fiends for the Friday night in Leeds but due to a shortage of funds, had to cancel. However, I was able to attend Claire’s birthday celebrations for one year since going fulltime. Combined with this, I planned to join friends attending the Walk along Blackpool prom in aid of diversity and in memory of Sophie Lancaster , a goth girl tragically murdered in Bacup in 2007.

The Saturday dawned brightly, small bag packed and dressed as far as I could for leaving he house at 8am. First snag, the youngest who is never seen before midday usually, was up and sitting reading the paper whilst tucking into her breakfast! So off came the girly jeans and top whilst I waited impatiently for her to leave (it seems she was working at 9am - this usually means 10 minutes before – getting out of pit and dashing to work) but no not this time!

Finally she leaves at 9am and I redress, put my bag in the car and leave only to discover I had left my mobile at home and had to return to pick it up after 6 miles.

On the road now 90 minutes later than planned, I ended up behind the slowest cars, horse boxes, tractors and just about everything else you could find on the way to the A50. Stopping off at my usual layby I put my face on, wig and forms and changed shoes in under 15 minutes and continued on my way.

It was obvious that I was now unable to make the meet for the march and so I made as good a time as possible, stopping off at Sandbach services to use the facilities and to phone my friend Michelle in Blackpool. I must have arrived at the services during a busy period as I ended up having to queue to use the toilets but with no problems/comments despite waiting almost 10 minutes.

I finally got into Blackpool an hour late and leaving the car some distance from the shore, proceeded to walk to join the girls I was meeting. On the way, I had a wardrobe malfunction with my bra strap undoing and I spent 10 minutes trying to stop everything hading south before coming across a pub – The Waterloo. Walking in I felt distinctly uncomfortable as 10 pairs of eyes drilled into me from the guys having a lunchtime drink. Purchasing a half of lager, I sat down and after quenching my thirst, paid a visit to the ladies to sort out my bra. The pub I found out from my friends is renown for being pretty rough, however other thn feeling somewhat under close scrutiny as the only woman in there, I escaped unharmed!

Finally hitting the sea front I turned North and joined the throngs of holiday makers as I headed for the Central Pier and the Tower in the distance. Luckily wearing jeans and t shirt and flats on my feet, I was comfortable as I covered the best part of 3 miles from my car before I finally saw the chance to catch a tram.

Crossing the promenade I burst into a girly run and just made the tram. ImageTaking my seat, the conductor asked me where I was going love? It made my day as I asked for the North Pier where the girls I was going to meet were now enjoying a drink after the walk.

I asked a young girl opposite me to take a photo as Emma had never been on a tram before.

Getting off the tram, I asked for directions to Revolution Bar – over there mate! Did not go down well as I said in no uncertain terms I was not his mate!

On entering, I initially was unable to see my friends and wandered around looking. In so doing I attracted the unwanted attention of a group of young guys who wanted me to join them and made certain gestures of a sexual nature, smiling I kindly declined their kind offer, telling them I wasn’t that kind of girl! and taking one more look around I finally found my friends tucked out of site at the other side of the bar, where I joined them.Image

We spent an hour chatting and enjoying a drink before two of the girls had to leave and the four of us continued to Ma Kellys for another drink before ending up at The Litton Tree. Finding a table outside we enjoyed another drink or twoImage (I was driving so was drinking Blue Becks) and enjoyed chatting about just everything including making plans for another night out and the offer of staying over sometime including a night in for a makeup, perfume and wine party.

Unfortunately, time ran it’s course and despite the invite to stay the night and go out with the girls, I needed to be back in Manchester at The Trafford Centre for 6-30pm for Claire’s meal. And so bidding Joanna and Vicki a fond farewell, I shared a taxi back with Michelle.

Back in the car, I made good time from Blackpool but ended up running on thin air as I had little fuel in the tank before finally pulling up at The Centre with the fuel gauge showing zero!

Grabbing a change of clothes I quickly made my way to Pestos to join the others who had been waiting for me. With the food ordered I quickly made use of the ladies to swap my jeans and t-shirt for a caramel pencil skirt and brown top and my flats for a pair of high heeled brown pumps, make up refreshed I rejoined the other guests and Claire and her husband John for a very nice selection of Italian food.Image
After the meal we made our way downstairs and found an establishment selling ice cream and finished off the meal with a coffee before we all made our own way home.Image

Myself, I stopped for diesel outside the Centre and drove over to the village where I parked up and grabbing a change of clothes,Imagepopped into Taurus where after a quick Beck’s changed into my LBD and black heels. Assuming that I would find some friends out and about I wandered down Canal Street to the New Union where I had a coke before visiting Eden’s. After sitting on my own for a short while, a woman came over to me and we got chatting and she invited me to join her friends out on the piss from work. Over a few more Blue Becks, I had a great time with these girls, dancing, educating them and chatting away over all sorts of topics from make up, through clothes, shoes relationships and sex. I showed them some photos of me and they were pretty amazed as in their words “I wore clothes that they would wear!” Again their perception of crossdressers was more “drag queen” i.e. over the top and inappropriate clothing. Image

We ended up having a laugh with a guy from Bristol and then a couple of guys on a stag do where the stag had fallen over and had gone to bed with a cut head! before I called time and made my way back to the car and the long drive home.

Stopping off at Sandbach services to empty the bladder, I changed from my LBD back to my jeans and a woolly top before enjoying a black coffee and muffin at the Café. I then had a blonde moment, on returning back to my car, it wasn’t there! All sorts of things passed through my mind – all of them not good as I double checked the car park and ran over my route in my mind again. I then returned to the shop and asked the woman if the car park was on CCTV as my car had been stolen – she calmly asked me if I was heading North or South , replying South she pointed out that I was in fact on the North side and the bulb came on in my head – yes! Inadvertently I had taken a wrong turn after leaving the café! Sure enough my car was where I had left it some 40 minutes earlier – phew!

Stopping off at my usual layby at just before 5am I reverted back to guy mode, and got home as the dawn was breaking, after a great day out in the real world!

Looking forward to my next day/night out in Blackpool especially a girls night in!

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Back to London for the Theatre

Several months ago I managed to secure tickets to see Warhorse in London. It had been my intention with my wife’s agreement to go as Emma.

My good friend Sue agreed to put us up and on Easter Monday drove down to London, meeting Sue for a bite to eat and quick drink before retiring to bed.

Given the uncertainty of the weather, I faced a quandary as to what to wear and in addition as we decided that to return and get changed for the theatre early evening would take too long, what to wear that would be ok for walking around London and be ok for the theatre.

I settled on a cotton drill skirt in salmon pink with a dark pink t-shirt over which I layered a crochet sleeveless top. On my feet I wore my new Jane Norman shoes in taupe which matched my large handbag in which I carried a pair of flats.

We took the overland train into London and made our way by tube to Oxford Street where we had a coffee and some cake in House of Fraser Imagebefore making our way to meet friends for lunch.Image

Over a pleasant lunch we put the world to rights and then made our way towards the theatre via Covent Garden, Imagemoving onto Trafalgar Square stopping off for a beer on the way at Chandos upstairs in the Opera Room.

For once, we decided that it would be better to arrive early rather than just in time and so we were able to have a quiet drink and order interval drinks in the theatre before taking our seats for the production of WarhorseImage

The play was very good and as I had chosen not to read the book or anything about the play beforehand, it made a huge impression on me. After leaving the theatre, we made our way to Sarastro’s in Drury Lane where we had reserved a table. The décor for those who have never had the pleasure of eating there is something to behold. The inside is laid out as a turn of the century theatre complete with individual boxes and the whole effect is one of clutter. ImageThe murals in the ladies are pretty special and quite risqué. The food was good and we enjoyed the company and ambiance before leaving for the train station and enjoying night time views from Waterloo Bridge.

It was interesting sitting in the station concourse people watching as we waited for our midnight train.

The following day, the temperature was supposed to be lower but I decided that instead of my planned white stretch jeans, to go with a shortish flared beige skirt teamed with brown t-shirt and brown tights, finished off with leopard print pumps, matching sunglasses and a brown leather handbag from River Island.Image

Once more we joined other commuters on the trip into London, and started the day with a spot of retail therapy. At the Benefit stand in Debenhams, I purchased a new mascara and “browsing”, which is a wax and powder complete with brushes to fill in your brows which my good friend Mandy introduced me to when out in Blackpool recently. The girl on the counter was happy to demonstrate the cosmetics on me including a matting powder and bronzer before I made my purchase. Sue also bought the “browzing” in an appropriate shade again after having the girl demonstrate on Sue.

After enjoying a coffee in the cafe on the ground floor, we continued with the retail therapy and I picked up a flexie waist cincher upstairs in John Lewis’s. My wife was looking for something for her cross stitching but was unsuccessful. I must admit to having a strange and thought provoking moment as I made my way back from the toilet to rejoin my wife whilst walking through the baby section and young childrens clothing, mixing with “new” mums and mums to be.

For lunch we returned to a favourite haunt of Sue’s, the Bistro in SohoImage where we had a lovely 3 course meal with wine over which we discussed the itinerary for the rest of the day.

We decided to walk towards the Abbey via Regent Street which was very busy and on into The Mall and across to St James Park, where we joined the many tourists enjoying the beautiful weather and the preparations in advance of the Wedding. We made our way across the park stopping for a few photos Imageand then onto Big Ben Imageand the Houses of Parliament passing the Abbey on our way to Westminster Bridge.Image As we needed to be elsewhere for 8 that evening we decided to walk back to Waterloo Station stopping off for a refreshing fruit cocktail at the Archduke.
Suitably refreshed we just made our train but had to run, having to hold down my skirt in the process. Back at Sue’s, it took me 20 minutes to revert back to “bob” mode and pack our cases in the car for our trip north, reflecting on another two wonderful days in London.

Sunday, 10 April 2011

Day out in London with Jackie

Having missed the last planned lunchtime meet in London, I decided that this time, I would endeavour to join in and suggested to my wife that we could go down to London for the day and combine the lunchtime meal with a day wandering around London.

My wife agreed to the proposal and we decided that we would drive down to Hatfield, leave the car there and get the train into Kings Cross.

I left the house dressed wearing a baggy tracksuit jacket over my top and covering the fancy stitching to the top of my stretchy jeans, no wig, shoes or forms and finished getting ready whilst my wife drove. Other than eye make up, it was fairly straight forward applying my make up and finishing off with my glue on nails.

Whilst stopped for fuel at Biggleswade on the A1, I quickly did my eyes.

Leaving the car for £2 for the day, we bought our day tickets and joined other travellers on the platform for our 25 minute ride into London. Image

Once in London, rather than attempt to keep to our planned touristy itinerary, we decided to make our way to St Katherine’s Dock and have a leisurely breakfast and drink. We were blessed with sunshine and so took a table outside the Café Rouge Imagewhere we took in the atmosphere, had a good chat over eggs Benedict and a cup of tea – all very civilised, surrounded by other customers. ImageBefore leaving I needed to take care of business and purposefully strode through the busy café, the waiter guiding me to the ladies. Washing my hands I exchanged pleasantries with another woman as we juggled for position for the hand dryer – all very normal and wonderful for that very reason.

Moving on, we had a pleasant amble around the dock and then made our way to our rendezvous with Sue Richmond and a number of other girls at Salieri’s an Italian Restaurant opposite The Savoy Hotel.Image

The lunch was everything I had expected and Jackie and I enjoyed the chance to meet up with old friends and new alike. The food was good and the bottle of wine and a couple of beers certainly hit the spot.

At 4 pm, the party broke up and Jackie and we made our way to Primark where Jackie wanted to pick up a few things. Bad mistake. The shop was heaving and even I took a few hits I didn’t expect – more like on the rugby field and queues! – wow, I reckon they should have those signs you get at tourist attractions – 1 hour from here! Trying to try on shoes was fraught with difficulty as all the seats were occupied by women waiting for friends/relatives and having found one seat, I was almost pushed off it by another woman when I reached up to try a different sized shoe!
Giving up in disgust, we decide that we need a drink and so worked our way up Oxford Street and then branched off by Debenhams finally arriving at The Marylebone having passed two pubs which were full of football supporters.

Finding a spare couple of seats on a table we joined a couple of French girls whilst sipping our beers and chilling. The pub was very busy but importantly – no football supporters! It was great to be able to sit there without attracting undue attention. Image

Before leaving I paid a call and whilst in the cubicle, a group of American girls entered the toilets and continued their discussions about a couple of guys who had been trying to chat them up. I won’t go into detail but it was kind of graphic with no holds barred. On leaving the cubicle, the girls were posing for photos on the sink and just smiled at me as I washed my hands, brushed my hair and touched up my face they continued with their appraisal of the guys.

Leaving the pub, we decide that it was time to make our way back to King’s CrossImage and we walked to Baker Street tube only to find the station closed. During the day we had found a number of the stations closed which did cause a few hiccups as we made our way across London. As there was a replacement bus service we made use of it and took the scenic route back to King’s Cross where due to the absence of a bar, we decided to take the first available train back to Hatfield.

Tired but satisfied, we headed North and reunited with the car, I drove the first leg home. We decided to take a “small” detour off the A1 halfway home to stop for a break and a quick drink at a country pub. Well that was the idea however having chosen to come off at the exit for a place called Woolley we found ourselves on narrower and narrower country roads and not a sign of any village. We blinked and missed the two houses – no pub!! As we wended our way deeper and deeper into the “sticks”, we jokingly commented that if we see a big house on a hill with a light on to keep on driving! Finally we found what we were looking for, a quiet pub in the village of Greetham (wherever that is!), called The Mermaid.

Walking into the pub, we noted that the ongoing conversation between the 6 oldish men about football at the bar didn’t stop on our entrance and we were promptly served by the woman behind the bar who commented on how it was slightly warmer inside than out. Taking our drinks, we made our way past the standing customers into what one could describe as a living room and took our seats by the fire. In the 30 minutes we were there, we might as well have not been there, even the one other woman customer (one of the guy’s wife?) sitting on a barstool facing us seemed to accept us- again a very welcome feeling. Gathering up our glasses we thanked the barmaid commenting on the fact we still had 50 miles to go and bade her good night.

I wonder if they continued talking about the football and cricket after we left!

We finally crawled through the door before midnight having made sure our youngest had indeed stayed out at her friends before collapsing in front of the television exhausted having had a wonderful day out in London.

Saturday, 1 January 2011

Sales Shopping In London

Finally managed to organise a day out shopping with Sue in London. It had been touch and go due to members of my family over the Christmas period succumbing to viral infections etc including my wife. However, on Tuesday evening I got in the car, bag packed and proceeded to make my way South through fog and an amazing amount of traffic, turning a two hour leisurely trip into almost 3 ½ hours of torture.

Arriving at Sue’s I dumped my bags and we went to the pub for a couple of beers and planned the following day in London.

Up early, I got ready taking only 30 minutes to put my face on and get dressed. This is due to knowing what I was going to wear, doing my nails the previous evening and having a fixed routine for my make up (practice, practice and more practice)

Sitting there nursing a cup of tea whilst waiting for Sue, I reflected on how far I had come in the previous two years. I was totally at ease and excited at the forthcoming adventure and comfortable as Emma in a way that I had never felt was likely in those early days. As usual the weather had turned unpredictable and I was faced with being too warm in the shops but warm between the shops. I chose my favourite woollen pencil skirt, blouse and matching jacket. Opaque tights on the legs and kitten heeled courts with a ¾ length woollen coat over the top. For the first time, I went without my usual forms and instead wore my new bra from Asda with a pair of fillets. The bra worked in squeezing and pushing up my own flesh to give me a smaller than usual silhouette but not out of place. Overall I was very pleased with the result and with summer not far off!! I will be able to show a reasonable cleavage with the right tops.

Leaving the “sanctuary” of Sue’s we made our way to the train station and tickets purchased, just missed the train, having to wait for the next one to take us into London.Image The train ride was “ordinary” and we chatted all the way into town.

On arriving in the City, our first port of call was an excellent coffee shop where we sampled some Belgian chocolate and cookies (well they screamed at us – eat me eat me!).Image Our plan of attack was to head towards the centre of Oxford Street and work our way back from the Soho end. We didn’t have any priorities, so we explored the shops as and where we found them, too numerous to name them all here but including the main culprits.Image

A common denominator was the sheer frustration I felt in finding a dress or top I liked, only to find 6 of them in a size 8 only. The other problem was the random spread of the sales goods and that was without facing up to the odd elbow in the ribs from other women looking for that perfect buy!

Before stopping for lunch, Sue had managed to find a new bag and a couple of skirts and a pair of leggings whilst I made do with a pair of shoes (no surprises there then!) from Zara. We decided to lunch at Bistro 1 in Soho, a restaurant we had eaten at before and very affordable. On entering, Sue was greeted by the waiter recognising her from previous visits! No comment!Image

We both ordered the 3 course meal (£9.95) and a bottle of Pinot Grigio to wash it down with. Whilst there, we were joined by Helen Love and ended up having a lazy 2 hour lunch with a couple of bottles of wine! I could get used to this, sitting there in good company, dressed and accepted as a woman, chatting about clothes, make up, venues, music and the state of the EEC ‘s agricultural policy! Not!Image

On paying the bill, we first explored the nearby MAC shop before Helen left us and we continued back to Oxford Street. By now, the streets and shops were heaving and after another hours shopping we decided to have a tea in House of Frasers café on the 5th floor. Image

During our break, I ended up having a bit of fun with a young child on the next table to us who was there with his parents. It’s amazing where it can lead to when you stick your tongue out. As it turned out the mother and I then exchanged thoughts on taking a baby buggy complete with all the paraphernalia associated with young children through the crowded London streets and on the Tube. She then confided that she was 23 weeks gone with another baby at which I raised my eyebrows. Wishing them both good luck, we parted ways.

Before leaving the store, I decided I needed to go and so found the toilets only to end up in a queue of 7 women. I decided that it was not fair for the others there and so rejoined Sue, moving on.

Our penultimate stop was in Debenhams where we took our lives into our hands and joined the throngs of shoppers. I managed to find an evening bag I quite liked which was still big enough to carry what I need. As to trying anything on, forget it, there were queues right round the floor. We did receive a nice compliment from one of the women on a stand in the beauty hall. She asked us if we used tinted moisturiser and would we like to try some. I pointed out that I needed something a touch heavier than that and we started to chat. She asked me what I used and I explained that I was a MAC girl. She said we both looked very good (it may have been a cynical statement to try and entice us to buy – but I took it as the compliment offered). What girl doesn’t like a compliment?

Finally we decided that as it was now rush hour, we would find somewhere to have a quiet drink whilst waiting for the crowds to die down. ImageUsing Sue’s excellent knowledge of the streets of London and the fact that we had already had a quiet drink there earlier in the year (in Bob mode and accompanied by my wife) we made our way to The Mason’s Arms in Maddox Street. Walking down Bond Street, skirt caressing my nylon clad legs, the sound of my heels on the pavement, the taste of lipstick on my lips, earrings dangling from pierced ears – it could have been taken from a fiction site and certainly 3 years ago would have been only a figment of my imagination.

Entering the pub, we found it to be quite full with no apparent places to sit. Ordering the drinks we looked around and were pleasantly surprised to find a couple moving over and inviting us to sit on their table. Sitting down, we thanked them and without much ado entered into conversation with them. The guy was Scottish and a classical musician whilst the woman was freshly divorced and had just lost her job. We talked about all the regular topics such as unemployment, VAT work etc and of course fielded a few questions about our dressing. Debbie was amazed at our antics and I explained how I was happily married (27 years) with three daughters. She expressed great interest in joining us for a shopping trip the next time we were out in London and we exchanged contact details. Image

Sitting there cross legged with my hands around a half glass of Speckled Hen, the light reflecting off my long dark red painted nails , chatting away to “complete strangers” in a busy pub in the middle of London, I reflected on life and my decision some 30 months earlier to join the Angels and to come to terms with my dressing.

Eventually some two hours later and having consumed a few more beers, it came time to depart and we wished our new friends all the best and with a promise to try and meet up the next time we are in London.

Given the time we decided to eat in town and having passed by a few establishments which had queues outside, we ended up at a Spanish restaurant where we took a table for two. ImageMeat Tapas and a carafe of wine later, it was finally time to gather our bags and make our way to Bond Street tube station and onward to the main station for our return trip to the suburbs.Image

We made the 10-15pm train with seconds to spare which involved running from platform 6 to 15 in heels and a tight skirt carrying our shopping! Probably should be in the next Olympics!

Taking our seats in the carriage, we just chilled out as the train wended its way out of the City with passengers changing at each of the stops. Finally we joined the other passengers getting off at our stop and made our way down the main street past the pubs and closed shops back to Sue’s. Kicking off our shoes, jackets hung up and with a welcome cup of tea we chilled out after a brilliant day shopping as Emma and Sue.

My thanks to Sue for her friendship Imageand putting me up, to Helen who I met for the first time and who I would like to get to know better and to all of the Angels whether I have met you in the flesh or just on the forum for the encouragement, enthusiasm and support offered to myself since joining. May I wish you all a healthy and prosperous New Year and that you achieve all your wishes and dreams.