Wednesday 18 March 2009

"It’s a Good Job I Trust You"

Well, I am gutted. After a great day at Teelas and meeting up with my friends the previous evening, also at Teela’s (Tea with Teela) I end up almost losing everything.

Leaving Teelas last night I got home and managed to hide any evidence of my day as Teela’s secretary (separate blog on it’s way) I woke this morning, hot shower and close inspection as to strange body marks – nothing apart from a sore left ear.

I left for work early so as not to have to explain the extra bags on the back seat of the car – the boot was full before you ask! having left my travel bag in the house with my work clothes etc. As is usual, I had already double checked my bag for any signs of Emma , however, I must have had a blonde moment as I had left something.

9am, my wife rang me to discuss a parcel that had gone missing to Greece (E-bay sale) and then casually dropped into the conversation that she had found two pairs of knickers in amongst my clothes.

“You must have inadvertently picked them up from Brian’s (my mate’s where I stay usually when over in the North West when not out as Emma) They are obviously his missus! They are thongs. It’s a good job I trust you.”

I almost cried. Even now my conscience is in turmoil. It’s a good job they were a size 12 and 14 is all I can say.

As to how they were mixed in with my clothes – I haven’t got a clue.

How I missed them when I checked my bag – I haven’t got a clue.

My wife is washing them and has suggested I surreptitiously replace them in their spare room when I am next over there. (I elaborated in that the spare room has lots of her things left around – part true but certainly not knickers!)

I will end this blog as I started – I am gutted that my wife’s trust is so misplaced.

I cannot continue my deceit much longer – the warning signs are there.

Emma xxx

1 comment:

  1. emma,
    it has happend to us all,be prepared ,be strong if it does get out ,talk to friends we have all been there and got through it.
    any help you want email me
